Thank you for completing your getting started form. To complete the process you’ll need to complete 2 additional steps. The first step is to complete the Independent contractor agreement and the W9 form (see link below). The direct deposit form is required prior to the first payroll, you can wait and this will be requested from you later. The 2nd step is to transfer your license to Household Real Estate, see link below. After these items are completed, we will schedule an orientation with you to onboard you to Household Real Estate. You’re welcome to call with questions anytime at 586-405-4111.
- Click here to review and sign the Independent Contractor Agreement.
A W-9 is required. CLICK HERE to complete your online W-9 form.
Please note that the final four digits of your tax identification number must match on both your W-9 form and Direct Deposit form.
For instructions on completing a W-9, please refer to the document link.
The Onboarding specialist will review the agent’s completed Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA), W9, and would be contacting the agent regarding any revisions needed.
If no revisions are requested within 24 hours, the agent should begin to transfer their license through MI Plus.
MI Plus website:
Login to the MI Plus website and transfer your license to Household Real Estate, LLC license number 6505431992.