Our Real Estate Agents may order signs from any vendor they choose. The logo page includes standard for sale sign images. If any other image types are needed, please reach out to your Household Real Estate manager.
Household Real Estate has our standard sign design at dirtcheapsigns.com
The signs can be ordered by calling 888-255-5541 and requesting signage for you with Household Real Estate design. There are 2 designs, Blue and Green or Blue and Red. Request grommets on top and bottom, and request a double sided sign. The grommets on top and bottom would be to connect to a colonial post and connect a phone number rider to the bottom. The original order email is michaelayoub@yahoo.com
The signs can be installed in a metal frame or a colonial post. We’ve broken down the sign in a 18″x24″ format and a 6″x24″ Name Rider which houses our phone numbers and names. You may set up your name rider with your name or your teams name. See the photo below of a sign order example.
These signs may be ordered and provided to your sign vendor to install on your listings, or you may install your signs yourself.
These signs are compatible with 2 different methods. Colonial Post and Metal Frame.
If you elect to self install a sign, its very easy, though we recommend you practice installing a sign prior to attempting to install a sign at your clients home if you’ve never installed one of these sign before.
These colonial posts can be self installed.
Click Here for a colonial post you could order.
These metal frame posts can be self installed.
These signs have a main sign space for the sign, and a space below for the Name Rider.
These signs are available at Amazon Click HERE for the link or Dirtcheapsigns.com Click HERE for the link.